About Kolo

About Kolo

From the Home of Sauna

In Finland, there are 5.5 million people and more than three million saunas. That is how much we love our sauna. KOLO aims at spreading Finnish sauna culture all over the world, one bucket and ladle at a time.

The KOLO Bucket+Ladle duo is available in all the essential colours. That is, in black and white.

KOLO Bucket+Ladle are inseparable and that is why they come in the same package. The ladle functions as the bucket's handle, and without the bucket the ladle would have nowhere to rest. They are not designed to make your sauna experience unforgettable, nor do they glow in the dark or have a special scent. What we do guarantee, however, is that our bucket won't leak and our ladle will bear the weight.

The comprehensive KOLO sauna and bath product family is designed by Brita Flander.

"Life without sauna seems impossible to me"

— Urho Kekkonen
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