About WarmlyYours

Frequently the company is asked how WarmlyYours chose its company name, WarmlyYours. When WarmlyYours began as an electric radiant heating products business over 20 years ago, WarmlyYours wanted a name that would embody the very essence of the business philosophy – treat the customers well and offer the very best floor warming systems and services in the industry. And above all else, always deliver on those promises to you.

The name WarmlyYours reflects a deep, personal commitment to providing customers with the exceptional customer service that they deserve. WarmlyYours welcome any questions and relish the opportunity to provide customers with prompt and friendly assistance. Listening to feedback from thousands of homeowners and installers, WarmlyYours continues to improve on everything to better serve the customers. As a result, WarmlyYours have expanded its portfolio to include other radiant heating products — such as towel warmers and radiant panel heaters — to bring comfort and affordable luxury to all areas of the home.

There are many types of home heating systems, but electric floor heating is an efficient solution that can improve your bathroom, kitchen, or other rooms by bringing in a floor warming system that the family will enjoy. As a premier type of radiant heating system, there will be no more cold floors to endure when the weather turns cool. WarmlyYours floor warming systems can benefit all who enter your home, retail location, or office space, making the environment more comfortable. Affordable luxury is within reach with electric radiant heating systems that deliver comfort throughout the seasons.

Chilly bathroom floors are a thing of the past with electric radiant heating. Whether you have wood floors or tiles, the moment you step on the floor, you will feel the glow of energy-efficient warmth. Moreover, allergies might lessen because there is no forced air to blow through the room. Radiant floor warming systems can be installed under any type of floor. There is no maintenance involved, and a single room or a whole house will benefit from this comfortable home heating option. Ensure that your space is happy and warm with floor warming systems that are made for luxury.

You can check out all of the WarmlyYours products here.

Core Values

Be Radiant

What We Stand For

WarmlyYours believe that the word, "radiant," goes far beyond their heating products, it resonates with WarmlyYours company culture and to the very depths of who WarmlyYours are. WarmlyYours believe that "radiant" is a way of life – a definition of the living brand. WarmlyYours brand is not simply a logo or a product, but it's the reality.

When they say, BE RADIANT at WarmlyYours, it's not just a thought or a suggestion – but rather, WarmlyYours take it as a commandment, a charge, a deeper calling to be their best selves, while positively encouraging their peers to be the same.

So, what does it mean to BE RADIANT as a WarmlyYours employee? To BE RADIANT means to let the inspiration drive them to take projects to the next level; to achieve excellence through WarmlyYous "blood, sweat, and tears;" to create a full radiant experience for the customer; to go above and beyond for WarmlyYours customers; to seek to professionally and personally improve WarmlyYours to be compelled and propelled by new ideas and innovations.

As the living, breathing brand of WarmlyYours –WarmlyYours call you forward to...

  • BE Connected: Engage and serve with each other, the community, and the customers.

  • BE Present: Open and accountable to yourself, to one other, and to the customers.

  • BE Innovative: Always looking for the next bigger and better advancement in technology, service, and development.

  • RADIATE Positivity: Be a positive force and influence with all whom they engage in life and work.

  • RADIATE Warmth: Seek to communicate warmth and genuine care for others.

  • RADIATE Passion: Exude passion about the job, the products you sell, and the people “doing life” with - recognize and show appreciation to each other.

BE WARMLYYOURS. BE RADIANT. YOU are the living brand.



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