How To Make Your Workouts Leverage The Benefits Of Steam

How To Make Your Workouts Leverage The Benefits Of Steam

It's the start of the year and, for many of you, a new vigorous workout program may be high on the list of priorities. Not only does working out dramatically increase overall fitness and health, but it also impacts your emotional well being as it releases all those great endorphins in your body. Now imagine if you could make your workouts even more productive by leveraging the health benefits of steam.

How Steam Improves A Workout

A warm steam bath soothes those aching muscles, cleanses away toxins from your body and makes you feel even better. With a steam room from Mr.Steam, you can use steam to make your workout experience even more effective.

A warm steam bath soothes those aching muscles, cleanses away toxins from your body and makes you feel even better. With a steam room from Mr.Steam, you can use steam to make your workout experience even more effective.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. John Basedow, the famous TV health and fitness personality who created the Fitness Made Simple video series, testifies to the refreshingly pleasurable feeling of enjoying a steam shower after a workout in this 30 second video. In it, Basedow discusses how Mr. Steam is part of his fitness routine.

“It invigorates my muscles, removes toxins from my body, and even helps me sleep better,” says Basedow of his Mr.Steam shower. He even claims that it improves his muscle definition—not a small point considering he has one of the leanest, meanest bodies on the planet.

Let’s take a look at exactly how the Mr.Steam experience can be so invigorating, especially after a workout. Knowing these steam benefits will help you realize that a steam bath can be a wonderfully healing (and productive) reward after a day at the gym.

Four Benefits Of Steam And Heat For The Body

First, there is the healing power of heat. Heat has been known to be effective against joint and muscular pain, such as that felt after a workout. Steamtherapy may help reduce the lactic acid build-up in your muscles and increase blood circulation. As a result, more oxygen and nutrients can reach damaged muscle tissue, revitalizing them for your next workout.

Steamtherapy also opens up those sweaty pores, allowing deep-seated grime and dead cells to be flushed from the body (through perspiration), and cleansing the skin. This results in leaving skin softer and more supple. It can even act as a useful treatment for acne and some other skin conditions.

Cleaning up pores also means removing damaging toxins from the body.Excess sodium is washed away along with metabolic and other wastes, leaving your tired body completely refreshed. It's an all-natural form of detoxification that leads to holistic health.

Finally, the stress-eroding, tranquility-inducing power of a steam shower cannot be overemphasized. By soothing your breathing passages and muscles, steam promotes relaxation and a good night’s sleep. You’re already tired after working out. A steam shower will add that little extra serenity to make you sleep like a baby.

Ready To Improve Your Workout With Steam?

Working out and recharging with a steam shower simply go hand-in-hand. Indeed, the benefits of a steam room after working out are many. Just ask John Basedow.

If you have trouble motivating yourself to make it to the gym, just promise yourself a wonderful steam bath afterward. You will never skip a day again.

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